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Re: UNC paths vs mapped drives in CVS Emacs

From: Mathias Dahl
Subject: Re: UNC paths vs mapped drives in CVS Emacs
Date: 17 Nov 2004 19:43:35 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3.50

Mathias Dahl <> writes:

> I have been using Emacs 21.3 for a long time on Windows NT4 and
> Windows 2000 and often opened files using their UNC paths, like this:
> Find file: //myserver/myshare/myfile.txt
> Now I am using the CVS version of Emacs, and it still *works* but
> veeery slowly. Navigating to the file is quick enough, but when I open
> it there seems to be a long delay.
> If I map the share to a letter, like this:
> c:\> net use z: \\myserver\myshare\myfile.txt
> and opens file from that mapped "drive", it is as snappy as it was
> before.

Just to help others that may have this problem I will post some
information I just found by searching the net:

* It seems the reason for the slowness is some extra checks that emacs
  does regarding version control. I'm not sure about the exact cause

* A workaround until it is fixed is to do this:

  (setq vc-handled-backends '(RCS CVS SVN SCCS))

  In my case, I just left CVS and SVN in there. If you do not use any
  VC software I guess you can set it to null.

* If you want the full story, follow this link:

 (sorry for the incredibly long URL, but using those query parameters
 gives a good overview)


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