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Re: emacs for everything?

From: Maciek Pasternacki
Subject: Re: emacs for everything?
Date: Tue, 23 Nov 2004 20:57:43 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/21.3 (gnu/linux)

On Boomtime, The Aftermath 35, 3170 YOLD, Kai Grossjohann wrote:

> I also like to use C-x <right> and C-x <left> (next-buffer and
> previous-buffeer), and indeed most window managers offer this function
> on Alt-Tab (and Alt-Shift-Tab).  But I really hate the WMs to steal
> Alt-Tab.  I want to use M-TAB for completion in Emacs.  This
> functionality should select windows in MRU order.

My .fvwm/bindings starts with removing all default key bindings
(incl. alt+tab); X11 binds Windows keys as Super modifier, so all
window manager keybindings I use are Super+something - this way I have
whole keyboard available for FVWM (e.g., I use super with y-p-/-n
rectangle to switch between virtual desktops (viewports, in fact)
that are on 5x3 grid) *and* FVWM doesn't steal keybindings from other
applications.  Of course I could use Super bindings with applications
but I don't need to -- only application in which I would need it is
Emacs and there I have C-<letter> reserved for private use and it's
enough for me.

Well-configured WM is incomparable in terms of convenience to virtual
terminal.  But in order to have well-configured WM one has to, well,
configure it. ;)  There is no universally-good configuration and
I sculpted my own from ground up; it took some time but now I feel
that I'm tha boss on my desktop and it behaves as I need.

Just my $0,03.

Also, I don't like screen(1) eating my C-a which I use frequently to
jump to beginning of line in shell.  After thinking about other
binding to use, I realised that I use virtually every binding (since
I learned Emacs I use the same bindings in shell).  So I integrated
shell with FVWM (current beta is at,
when it'll get more mature I'll put it on my home page) so I can
control my screen session as multi-terminal by window manager.  Just
in case somebody found it useful.

__    Maciek Pasternacki <> [ ]
`| _   |_\  / { Bullshit makes the flowers grow
,|{-}|}| }\/                                    & it's beautiful. }
\/   |____/                                      ( Principia Discordia )  -><-

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