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Re: scroll-down and beginning-of-buffer

From: John Russell
Subject: Re: scroll-down and beginning-of-buffer
Date: Fri, 11 Feb 2005 09:45:41 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

Paul Raines <> writes:

> I am trying to ge the Page Up and Page Down keys to behave like
> they do in almost every other editor out there.  Specifically, when
> hitting Page Up repeatedly, you eventually end up with the curson
> on the very first line of the file.  Instead, emails stops at some
> random line below and refuses to go any further and just displays
> "beginning of buffer" in the mini-buffer.
> I have tried definining the following function:
> (defun my-scroll-down (arg)
>    "Same as scroll-down except really goes to beginning of file"
>    (interactive "P")
>    (if (not (call-interactively 'scroll-down))
>        (call-interactively 'beginning-of-buffer)))
> Which works but has the horrible side effect of reseting the mark
> each time it is used to the region scrolled.  How do I stop it
> from doing that?  Or is the better way to get what I want?

Google for pager.el.  It makes pg-up and pg-down make sense.  At if 
page up and then page down the point returns to the same place.
very nice package.


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