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Re: i18n search/replace with input methods latin-4-postfix and rfc1345

From: B.T. Raven
Subject: Re: i18n search/replace with input methods latin-4-postfix and rfc1345
Date: Mon, 14 Mar 2005 11:43:40 -0600

"Stefan Monnier" <> wrote in message">
> > I have files with
> > ;; -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
> > on first line and with many unicode characters. I use either
> > latin-4-postfix or a lisp routine to input the Latin Extended-A
> > characters. During an editing session I can search (and replace)
> > those extended characters that I have input during that session.
> You need "input unification".  Try to put (unify-8859-on-decoding-mode
> in your .emacs.
>         Stefan

Thanks, Stefan, but no cigar. Here is the pertinent part of my .emacs:


;;(setq unify-8859-on-decoding-mode 1)
(unify-8859-on-decoding-mode 1)

  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom -- don't edit or cut/paste
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
 '(case-fold-search t)
 '(current-language-environment "UTF-8")
 '(default-input-method "latin-4-postfix")
 '(diary-file "~/mydie" t)
 '(kill-read-only-ok t)
 '(unify-8859-on-encoding-mode t nil (ucs-tables)))


The first line I added at your suggestion (both as variable and function
call, and later in the editor as a command. Before, I had it in
custom-set-variables with arguments t, nil, (ucs-tables). I erased this
specific option with customize. I even tried copying Dave Love's
rfc1345.el file into \leim\quail but something else is needed since
emacs still doesn't recognize it as a valid imput method. Using your
suggestion, do I also have to require ucs-tables? Any other suggestions,
short of trying to use Yudit?
If a specific symptom is any help then I identify a fresh o-with-macron
(input with latin-4-postfix) as 0xa72 and the exact same character (at
file position) after the file is saved and then revisited is 0x5106d


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