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Re: left brackets insert both

From: Peter Lee
Subject: Re: left brackets insert both
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2005 16:39:15 GMT
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/21.3.50 (windows-nt)

>>>> Shug Boabby writes:

    > when the start of a brace pair was typed, one of [<[{(], the editor
    > would insert the corresponding closing brace and place the cursor
    > in-between. this worked for all text editing modes, but could be turned
    > off when needed.

There is paren-pair-mode with cvs emacs... not sure what version it
was introduced.  It's buffer local, so you'll have to enable it for
any modes you want it.  The list of paired characters is controled by

,----[ C-h f paren-pair-mode RET ]
| paren-pair-mode is an interactive compiled Lisp function in `paren-pair'.
| (paren-pair-mode arg)
| Toggle paren pair mode.
| With a prefix arg, enable paren pair mode iff arg is nonzero.
| [back]

,----[ C-h v paren-pair-list RET ]
| paren-pair-list's value is shown below.
| Automatically becomes buffer-local when set in any fashion.
| Not documented as a variable.
| Defined in `paren-pair'.
| Value:
| (("["
|   #("]" 0 1
|     (paren-paired t)))
|  ("("
|   #(")" 0 1
|     (paren-paired t)))
|  (#("\"" 0 1
|     (paren-paired t))
|   "\""))
| Local in buffer *scratch*; global value is nil
| [back]

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