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Re: transient-mark-mode broken in CVS and is there a better html-mode?

From: Kevin Rodgers
Subject: Re: transient-mark-mode broken in CVS and is there a better html-mode?
Date: Wed, 05 Oct 2005 09:49:22 -0600
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.9 (X11/20041105)

Shug Boabby wrote:
> but i also like nXML mode. the problem is that no mater what i do to
> auto-load-alist to set xml files to open in nxml-mode... they still
> open in xml-mode. how can i override that?

You don't say what you did, but the README file distributed with
nxml-mode says:

| To get things automatically loaded each time you start Emacs, add
|   (load "~/nxml-mode-200YMMDD/rng-auto.el")
| to your .emacs, where ~/nxml-mode-200YMMDD is the directory containing
| the .elc files.  Note that rng-auto.el does not load all of the
| nxml-mode code; it merely sets things up so that all the features of
| nxml-mode will be autoloaded properly.  You should not try to autoload
| rng-auto.el itself.
| To use nxml-mode automatically for files with an extension of xml,
| xsl, rng or xhtml, add
|   (setq auto-mode-alist
|         (cons '("\\.\\(xml\\|xsl\\|rng\\|xhtml\\)\\'" . nxml-mode)
|             auto-mode-alist))
| to your .emacs.

Kevin Rodgers

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