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Re: C-p, C-b, C-f, and C-n... why?

From: David Kastrup
Subject: Re: C-p, C-b, C-f, and C-n... why?
Date: Wed, 30 Nov 2005 12:08:05 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

"Dave Humphries" <> writes:

> Yeah I enjoyed this so much I remapped these keys to
> Original      Remapped
> C-p           C-e
> C-n           C-d
> C-b           C-s
> C-f           C-f
> C-a           C-a
> And cursor to end of line as C-g
> This involved some remapping of useful key mappings squashed in the
> change but means I don't have to think about the keys for moving point
> as the key layout is the same as the required direction and it is all on
> the same hand.
> It started as an experiment but has lasted for a while now. I have done
> a similar, but incomplete job remapping the kill keys to the right-hand.

wordstar-mode is an interactive autoloaded Lisp function in `ws-mode'.

Major mode with WordStar-like key bindings.

 - Help menus with WordStar commands (C-j just calls help-for-help)
   are not implemented
 - Options for search and replace
 - Show markers (C-k h) is somewhat strange
 - Search and replace (C-q a) is only available in forward direction

No key bindings beginning with ESC are installed, they will work

The key bindings are:

  C-a           backward-word
  C-b           fill-paragraph
  C-c           scroll-up-line
  C-d           forward-char
  C-e           previous-line
  C-f           forward-word
  C-g           delete-char
  C-h           backward-char
  C-i           indent-for-tab-command
  C-j           help-for-help
  C-k           ordstar-C-k-map
  C-l           ws-repeat-search
  C-n           open-line
  C-p           quoted-insert
  C-r           scroll-down-line
  C-s           backward-char
  C-t           kill-word
  C-u           keyboard-quit
  C-v           overwrite-mode
  C-w           scroll-down
  C-x           next-line
  C-y           kill-complete-line
  C-z           scroll-up

  C-k 0         ws-set-marker-0
  C-k 1         ws-set-marker-1
  C-k 2         ws-set-marker-2
  C-k 3         ws-set-marker-3
  C-k 4         ws-set-marker-4
  C-k 5         ws-set-marker-5
  C-k 6         ws-set-marker-6
  C-k 7         ws-set-marker-7
  C-k 8         ws-set-marker-8
  C-k 9         ws-set-marker-9
  C-k b         ws-begin-block
  C-k c         ws-copy-block
  C-k d         save-buffers-kill-emacs
  C-k f         find-file
  C-k h         ws-show-markers
  C-k i         ws-indent-block
  C-k k         ws-end-block
  C-k p         ws-print-block
  C-k q         kill-emacs
  C-k r         insert-file
  C-k s         save-some-buffers
  C-k t         ws-mark-word
  C-k u         ws-exdent-block
  C-k C-u       keyboard-quit
  C-k v         ws-move-block
  C-k w         ws-write-block
  C-k x         kill-emacs
  C-k y         ws-delete-block

  C-o c         wordstar-center-line
  C-o b         switch-to-buffer
  C-o j         justify-current-line
  C-o k         kill-buffer
  C-o l         list-buffers
  C-o m         auto-fill-mode
  C-o r         set-fill-column
  C-o C-u       keyboard-quit
  C-o wd        delete-other-windows
  C-o wh        split-window-horizontally
  C-o wo        other-window
  C-o wv        split-window-vertically

  C-q 0         ws-find-marker-0
  C-q 1         ws-find-marker-1
  C-q 2         ws-find-marker-2
  C-q 3         ws-find-marker-3
  C-q 4         ws-find-marker-4
  C-q 5         ws-find-marker-5
  C-q 6         ws-find-marker-6
  C-q 7         ws-find-marker-7
  C-q 8         ws-find-marker-8
  C-q 9         ws-find-marker-9
  C-q a         ws-query-replace
  C-q b         ws-to-block-begin
  C-q c         end-of-buffer
  C-q d         end-of-line
  C-q f         ws-search
  C-q k         ws-to-block-end
  C-q l         ws-undo
  C-q p         ws-last-cursorp
  C-q r         beginning-of-buffer
  C-q C-u       keyboard-quit
  C-q w         ws-last-error
  C-q y         ws-kill-eol
  C-q DEL       ws-kill-bol


David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 Bochum

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