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Rookie Question: No Separate Minibuffer

From: roland . rau
Subject: Rookie Question: No Separate Minibuffer
Date: 1 Dec 2005 01:01:00 -0800
User-agent: G2/0.2

Dear all,

I installed yesterday (for auctex & preview-latex) GNU Emacs[1].
Coming from XEmacs[2],  I evaluated my .emacs file (or .xemacs/init.el)
line by line and after a short while, GNU Emacs behaved as I hoped.
This morning, however, when I started GNU Emacs, the minibuffer turned
out to be a separate window.
Can somebody point me into the direction what I can do to avoid this?

I checked the usenet for "separate minibuffer" but the results
(typically from the 90s) dealt mainly with the wish to have a separate
minibuffer (which is not my wish).


[1] "GNU Emacs i386-mingw-nt5.1.2600) of 2005-04-17 on
[2] "XEmacs 21.4 (patch 13) \"Rational FORTRAN\" [Lucid]
(i586-pc-win32) of Sun May 25 2003 on TSUNAMI"

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