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Re: emacs-snapshot keybinding problem

From: Angelina Carlton
Subject: Re: emacs-snapshot keybinding problem
Date: Tue, 03 Jan 2006 17:49:05 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.1007 (Gnus v5.10.7) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

Peter Dyballa <Peter_Dyballa@Web.DE> writes:

> All I can say (or, more exact: write) is: find a terminal emulation
> that accepts more than the Shift, Control, Mode_Switch modifiers and
> that is open to X Resource settings with these extra modifiers! gnome-
> terminal, kterm, mlterm could provide these extra options -- and
> maybe some X11 distribution (there are at least two, XFree 86 and
> X.Org) has an enhanced xterm. (aterm and eterm seem to be restricted
> to vt102 -- maybe they more!)

Yeah, I will try to work on setting this up with Xterm or aterm and see
what happens.

> Angelina, why do you want to restrict GNU Emacs to a command line
> programme? It has more powers as an X client. If you want to reach it
> from command line use emacsclient! In .emacs you just need to add a
> (server-start) statement and when you set in terminal environment
> variables like EDITOR or VISUAL to 'emacsclient ...' then quite all
> editing is delegated to X11 Emacs. You can load or execute Elisp
> code. With SecureShell and X11 tunnelling Emacs can run remotely
> displaying locally (my preferred way), tramp seems to allow being
> remotely logged in from local Emacs (I haven't checked that since I
> have no such needs).

There are a few reasons I have always used -nw 
First, when I decided that I wanted to learn the Emacs editor, I thought
having menus and toolbars would hinder me in that I would take more time
to learn the keystrokes if a handy menu was in front of me. This did
seem speed up my learning and I have not since felt the need to go to
the GUI.

Secondly, there is  perception on my part of speed, files scroll faster
in my terminal, particularly font-locked ones. It just seems more crisp
and light in urxvt. I have of course done no testing of any kind to see
my ram and CPU usage between GUI and terminal but on my old laptop I do
think there is some difference. Hard to tell really on my faster

Finally the look, I don't like so much the raised boxes you see in M-x
customize, w3m is less attractive to me in the GUI for some reason and
the fonts seem limited to a few foundry's and do not cover all the fonts
installed on my system. 

Who knows one day I might like the GUI too :-) It certainly looks much
nicer now it can be built with gtk support 

Anyway thanks so much for the help, I've learnt quite a bit and its

-----Angelina Carlton-----
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