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Re: Accessing recent file history

From: Mathias Dahl
Subject: Re: Accessing recent file history
Date: Thu, 05 Jan 2006 08:17:47 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (windows-nt)

Mathias Dahl <> writes:

>  (defun my-open-recent-file (fname)
>    "Interactively open recently opened file, using `file-name-history' as 
> history"
>    (interactive (list (flet ((iswitchb-make-buflist
>                               (default)
>                               (setq iswitchb-buflist file-name-history)))
>                         (iswitchb-read-buffer "Open file: "))))
>    (find-file fname))

Also, here is a version handling the history from session.el too (or

(defun my-open-recent-file (fname)
  "Using iswitchb, interactively open recently opened file.
Configure `my-open-recent-file-history-source' to control from
where to get the file name history."
  (interactive (list (flet ((iswitchb-make-buflist
                             (setq iswitchb-buflist 
                       (iswitchb-read-buffer "Open file: "))))
  (find-file fname))

;; One could even add `bookmark-all-names', maybe filtering file names
;; only, to this...

(defcustom my-open-recent-file-history-source  'file-name-history
  "*Determines which history source `my-open-recent-file' uses.
>From session.el uses `seccion-file-alist' from session.el. Normal
file name history uses the file name history saved by
`find-file', saved in the variable `file-name-history'. Both will
smash the two options together and use both sources."
  :type '(choice :tag "Recent file name history source"
                 (const :tag "From session.el" session)
                 (const :tag "Normal file name history" file-name-history)
                 (const :tag "Both" both))
  :group 'files)

(defun my-open-recent-file-list ()
  (cond ((eq my-open-recent-file-history-source 'session)
          (lambda (x)
            (car x))
        ((eq my-open-recent-file-history-source 'file-name-history)
        ((eq my-open-recent-file-history-source 'both)
         ;; Not sure if I should sort this or maybe only get the
         ;; unique items in the list, but iswitchb seems to sort it
         ;; out nicely for me...
           (lambda (x)
             (car x))
        (t file-name-history)))

;; I don't use `frame-configuration-to-register'
(global-set-key (kbd "C-x r f") 'my-open-recent-file)



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