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Re: enhance flyspell for german language (+TeX)

From: Sebastian Meisel
Subject: Re: enhance flyspell for german language (+TeX)
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 20:20:43 +0100
User-agent: KMail/1.9.1

> There is a flyspell-incorrect-hook, so you might use it to forward the
> word (or the sentence) to perl. It could also be used to enhance
> flyspell in lisp, I guess.
Well it took me some time, but finally I made it. I use (thank's for the tip)
the flyspell-incorrect-hook: 

(add-hook 'flyspell-incorrect-hook 'flyspell-zusammen())

(defun flyspell-zusammen (beg end poss)
"This function is to be called by 'flyspell-incorrect-hook. It looks for 
german hyphenationmarks (\"-) and 
checks if the 'misspelled words could be correct parts of combined word in 
german language."
(if (re-search-backward "\"-" (- beg 2) t) 
    (if (when (consp poss)
          (setq temp-buffer (get-buffer-create " *flyspell-temp*"))
            (copy-to-buffer temp-buffer beg end)
            (set-buffer temp-buffer)
            (goto-char (point-min))
            (setq word (capitalize (buffer-string)))
            (when (member word (nth 2 poss)) t) 
            )) t) ;; (if (when (consp poss)  
      (if (and (re-search-forward "-" (+ end 2) t)  
               (or (re-search-backward "s" (1- end) t)
                   (re-search-backward "e" (1- end) t)))
        (if (when (consp poss)
              (setq temp-buffer (get-buffer-create " *flyspell-temp*"))
                (copy-to-buffer temp-buffer beg (1- end))
                (set-buffer temp-buffer)
                (goto-char (point-min))
                (setq word (capitalize (buffer-string)))
                (when (member word (nth 2 poss)) t)
                )) t) nil)))

It considers Operations"-geräte, Frauen"-park"-platz, Mause"-loch as correct. 
This could make life a bit easier for german writer using latex.  There still 
are some shortcomings however, but I think I can live with it:

When these words repeat in a text, they are highlighted yellow. 
When a word is once marked as incorrect the hook is called no more. 

The only workaround is to delete the word an paste it.

I hope someone is testing that, and shares her/his experiences with me.
Sebastian Meisel

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