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Re: Finding Unused Identifiers

From: Pascal Bourguignon
Subject: Re: Finding Unused Identifiers
Date: Fri, 03 Mar 2006 12:25:07 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

Peter Tury <> writes:

> On Thu, 02 Mar 2006 22:25:10 GMT, August Karlstrom wrote:
>> I mean "forgotten" variables and functions that were never intended to 
>> be exported. I know that in Elisp all identifiers with file scope are 
>> exported, but it would be nice to at least have a list of all 
>> declared-but-never-used-in-the-same-file identifiers. That would give 
>> you an hint of what can safely be removed.
> As the first easiest(?) step it might help if you generate a list of all
> words what has only one instance in that file (and that instance is in an
> outermost defvar...)? If the list would have a form what is usable in
> compilation mode, then one could go throught it easily and check what
> should really be removed...

(require 'cl)
(require 'pjb-sources)

(let ((defvars '())
      (refered '()))
  (flet ((push-refered (form)
           (cond ((symbolp form)
                  (push form refered))
                 (t (while (consp form)
                      (push-refered (car form))
                      (setf form (cdr form)))))))
    (map-sexps "/home/pjb/src/public/emacs/pjb-sources.el"
               (lambda (form start end)
                  (if (and (consp form) (eq 'defvar (first form)))
                     (progn (push (second form) defvars)
                            (and (third form) (push-refered (third form))))
                     (push-refered form)))
              :deeply nil :atoms t)
   (print defvars)
   (set-difference defvars refered)))


(dummy line-num-map *silent* *pjb-sources-initials* *map-sexps-function*
 *map-sexps-atoms* *map-sexps-deeply* *map-sexps-top-level*
 *walk-sexps-end-marker* update-def-names-minimum-lines update-def-names
 *greek-flk* pretty-greek)

and returns:


__Pascal Bourguignon__           

WARNING: This product warps space and time in its vicinity.

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