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Re: a better face for your eyes

From: Thien-Thi Nguyen
Subject: Re: a better face for your eyes
Date: Fri, 31 Mar 2006 22:20:00 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

"Gary Weselle" <> writes:

> Any body with a better solution.

there are many "themes" packages, some quite fancy.  below is a simple
one.  i load this on startup, and call `set-theme' from ~/.emacs, which
is early enough to make the mysterious (to me) font-lock machinery DTRT
for things like `font-lock-function-face', etc.  back when i was loading
it later in the session, sometimes font-lock would make disturbing color


;;; set-theme.el
;;; Rel:v-1-55
;;; Copyright (C) 2000,2002,2003,2004,2006 Thien-Thi Nguyen
;;; This file is part of ttn's personal elisp library, released under GNU
;;; GPL with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.  See the file COPYING for details.
;;; Description: Select an appearance configuration.

(defvar themes '(;;name       bg    fg        m-fg    m-bg (optional)
                 (classic-ttn \#a85 black     white   black)
                 (new-earthy  black sienna    gray30)
                 (zzzzzzzzzz  black darkgreen black)
                 (caffeine    black yellow    white)
                 (polar       white black     white   black)
                 (dream       black cyan      white   blue)
                 (fuori-fuso  black green     magenta)
                 (vt220       black goldenrod gray30))
  "List w/ elements of form:
If MODELINE-BACKGROUND is not specified, it defaults to BACKGROUND.
All elements are symbols.  Use `\\#RGB' to specify a color using RGB 

(defun set-theme (name)
  "Select appearance configuration NAME.  (See variable `themes'.)"
  (interactive (list (completing-read "Theme: "
                                      (mapcar 'list
                                              (mapcar 'symbol-name
                                                      (mapcar 'car
                                      nil       ;;; predicate
                                      t)))      ;;; require-match
  (when (symbolp name)
    (setq name (symbol-name name)))
  (if (string= "" name)
      (message "(%d themes, none chosen)"
                (describe-variable 'themes)
                (length themes)))
    (apply (lambda (bg fg m-fg &optional m-bg)
             (set-face-foreground 'default fg)
             (set-face-background 'default bg)
             (let ((v [set-face-background set-face-foreground])
                   (i (if (face-inverse-video-p 'mode-line) 0 1)))
               (funcall (aref v      i)  'mode-line m-fg)
               (funcall (aref v (- 1 i)) 'mode-line (or m-bg bg))))
           (mapcar 'symbol-name
                   (cdr (assq (intern name) themes))))))

(provide 'set-theme)

;;; set-theme.el ends here

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