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Re: save/restore frame positions

From: Robin Dunn
Subject: Re: save/restore frame positions
Date: Tue, 16 May 2006 15:12:35 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060420)

Drew Adams wrote:

Library `doremi-frm.el' (which requires a few other libraries) provides an
easy way to use frame configurations interactively. You can have a ring of
frame configurations, and then use command `doremi-frame-configs' to cycle
among them.

`doremi-frm.el' automatically pushes each change you make to a frame (using
DoReMi commands) to a ring of frame configs. For example, if you use
`doremi-frame-height' to incrementally change the height of a frame, then
the change is recorded in the frame-config ring.

In general, `doremi-frm.el' is not about frame configs; this is a side
feature. It is about making incremental changes to frames interactively:
color, size, position, font, faces, whatever. You do this using either a
mouse wheel or the arrow keys (press & hold to increase/decrease a frame
parameter until you get what you like).

After making a change that you like, you can copy it to your
`default-frame-alist' (or another frame alist) using DoReMi commands, and
then you can save the `default-frame-alist' change persistently using

Thanks, but I think this isn't quite what I am looking for. I don't see how to save the size/positions of multiple frames, and then, after restarting emacs, to recreate, size and position a new set of frames to match the old saved config.

I had a bit of time over the weekend and so I bit the bullet and dug in to elisp enough to hack something together myself. It's butt-ugly but it works. It loops through the current frames and then writes a elisp function into the *scratch* buffer that will recreate the frames and set their size and position. Then I can just copy that function to my .emacs file and M-x it when I startup. If I want to have multiple layout-configs I can just change the name of the defun and have several of them in my .emacs file.

(defun my-save-frame-info ()
  "Save info about current emacs frames"
  (let ((cbuf (current-buffer)))
    (switch-to-buffer "*scratch*")
    (goto-char (point-max))
    (insert "(defun my-make-frames ()\n  \"\"\n")
    (insert "  (interactive)\n")
    (insert "  ; delete all current frames except 1\n")
    (insert "  (while (> (length (frame-list)) 1)\n")
    (insert "    (delete-frame (nth 0 (frame-list))))\n")
    (insert "  ; size and position the remaining frame\n")
    (let ((frm (car (frame-list))))
      (insert "  (let ((frm (car (frame-list))))\n")
      (insert (format "    (set-frame-position frm %d %d)\n"
                      (frame-parameter frm 'left)
                      (frame-parameter frm 'top)))
      (insert (format "    (set-frame-size     frm %d %d))\n"
                      (frame-width frm)
                      (frame-height frm))))             
    (insert "  ; make additional frames and position them\n")
    (dolist (frm (cdr (frame-list)))
      (insert "  (let ((frm (make-frame)))\n")
      (insert (format "    (set-frame-position frm %d %d)\n"
                      (frame-parameter frm 'left)
                      (frame-parameter frm 'top)))

      (insert (format "    (set-frame-size     frm %d %d))\n"
                      (frame-width frm)
                      (frame-height frm))))
    (insert ")\n")
    (switch-to-buffer cbuf)
    (message "Look at the end of the *scratch* buffer..."))

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