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RE: jump next previous - tag bookmark or search

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: jump next previous - tag bookmark or search
Date: Sun, 28 May 2006 09:20:48 -0700

    I would like to jump either forward or backward to the next or
    previous section start, with a single keystroke, such as F7 and F8.

    I would be happy to comment each section start with a signifier-comment,
    such as  ;; **    whereas all other comments would start ;;; or ;
    So, which would be more applicable to bind to F7 F8 for this ?

    - Tags,  where it would be handy I suppose to collect the comment
      text on just that line.
    - Bookmarks,  although the need for an individual Bookmark name is
    - or a backward or forwards search for ";;** "

Libraries commonly use a page separator (^L) for major sections. Then, you
can navigate among pages using `C-x ]' (forward-page) and `C-x ['
(backward-page). You can of course bind F7 and F8 to these commands.

To insert a Control-L character (^L), use `C-q C-l'.

Be aware that a page separator can also affect printing.

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