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RE: Q on using shell mode remotely

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: Q on using shell mode remotely
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2006 11:05:24 -0700

    Drew Adams wrote:
    > When I use M-x telnet, I get a prompt that looks like this:
    >    > 8:34am
    > Any ideas on how to deal with this? Either 1) how to
    > recognize the presence of the added time (appearing at the left)
    > and treat it as part of the prompt, or 2) (not as good, because
    > it won't help others who use my code) how to tell telnet not to
    > use the time part of the prompt? Is there some
    > variable similar to `comint-prompt-regexp' that will pick up
    > $rprompt (or the concatenation of $prompt and $rprompt)?

    Why can't you just add a time pattern to telnet-prompt-pattern, which is
    used to set the buffer-local value of comint-prompt-pattern:

    (eval-after-load "telnet"
       '(setq telnet-prompt-pattern
           (concat telnet-prompt-pattern

Thanks again. I didn't know about `telnet-prompt-pattern'. I used `C-h m'
and searched for "prompt", but the only occurences there are
`comint-next-prompt' and `comint-previous-prompt'. I found nothing in the
manual either. (I should have just used completion or apropos to look for a
"telnet-" prompt variable.)

I'll use `telnet-prompt-pattern', myself, to hack this problem, but it would
be good if there were a variable that dealt with $rprompt somehow.

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