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Re: pasting many times

From: Holger Sparr
Subject: Re: pasting many times
Date: Wed, 25 Oct 2006 14:49:37 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110006 (No Gnus v0.6) Emacs/22.0.50 (gnu/linux)

On 25 Oct 2006, Florian Kaufmann wrote:

>> I have downloaded browse-kill-ring
>> (  
>> It allows you to browse all the kills you did and choose the one you
>> want to yank.
> I still miss however a mode or feature or whatever that gives me about
> the following functionality: I'd like to see the kill ring in a window.
> Pretty much how browse-kill-ring does it. However automatically always
> up to date and the entries of the ring enumerated. Then I could just
> visually look at this window, easily see that the thing I want to yank
> is say the 9th item in the ring, and then just use yank with an
> argument of 9. I think this is still much faster and more convenient
> than to browse through the kill ring, either with (yank-pop) M-y or
> with browse-kill-ring-next.
> Flo

(I don't know if this works in any case. But it works as quick solution.)

You could redefine `browse-kill-ring-insert-as-separated' as follows:

(defun browse-kill-ring-insert-as-separated (items)
  (let ((count 0))
    (while (cdr items)
      (setq count (+ count 1))
      (insert (format "-- %s --" count) "\n")
      (browse-kill-ring-insert-as-separated-1 (car items) t)
      (setq items (cdr items))))
  (when items
    (browse-kill-ring-insert-as-separated-1 (car items) nil)))

Why keep the window all the time when you can easily bury it with one
key stroke - `q'? 

When calling `browse-kill-ring' again the "*Kill Ring*" buffer gets
updated already.


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