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Re: upgrading from 21.2.1 to

From: Eric Twietmeyer
Subject: Re: upgrading from 21.2.1 to
Date: 26 Oct 2006 16:53:12 -0700
User-agent: G2/1.0

To follow up with this: It appears that the initial call to
(window-edges) is returning incorrect values.  When I put the point in
one of the windows and Esc - : to eval (window_edges), the 4 numbers I
get seem incorrect.  The y values are wrong.  For instance, if I have
my main frame split into 4 windows and place the point in the upper
left window, then I get a bottom left coordinate of (0,0), which is
obviously incorrect.  If I place the point in the lower left window and
execute (window-edges) then I get a lower left point of (0,52), which
is the coordinate of the lower left of the upper left window.

The x values always seem correct.  Is it possible that this version of
emacs has a bad implementation of (window_edges)?  It appears this
function is not implemented in elisp itself, so I don't have it

Anyway, if anyone has further info...


Eric Twietmeyer

Eric Twietmeyer wrote:
> Hello,
> I just upgraded my local emacs to version (which may be
> cygwin specific, and which according to
> is the same as
> 22.0.50).
> The problem I'm having is that a library I have been carrying around
> with me for about 10 years now has stopped working as it used to.  It
> is a very small thing, but I don't know enough about debugging elisp to
> know how to fix it.  Basically it simply defines 3 sparse keymaps for
> the f1, f3, and f4 keys so that you can hit "<f1> <up>" for instance
> and move to the window in the current frame "above" the currently
> active window.
> Now that I have upgraded, the <left> and <right> directions work to
> move to, create, or delete a window, but the <up> and <down> directions
> don't work.  They don't work if I execute the command directly either,
> so somehow things changed internally, it isn't something as simple as
> the key bindings being screwed up.
> Anyway, here is the code.  Any help would be hugely appreciated.
> Thanks so much!
> -Eric Twietmeyer
> ;; Brief-like window manipulation
> ;; Dan Schmidt, 5/6/96
> ;;
> ;; F1 plus a direction goes to that window
> ;; F3 plus a direction creates a window over there
> ;; F4 plus a direction deletes that window
> ;;
> ;; To do:
> ;;
> ;; - F2 window resizing
> ;;
> ;; - F1 should work across frames, argh
> (defun find-nearby-window (dx dy)
>   "Return the nearest window in the direction of DX DY,
> or nil if there is none."
>   (let* ((this-window (selected-window)) ; current window
>          (we (window-edges))            ; its coordinates
>          (x0 (nth 0 we))
>          (y0 (nth 1 we))
>          (x1 (nth 2 we))
>          (y1 (nth 3 we))
> ;        (x (/ (+ x0 x1) 2))            ; x-y location of
> ;        (y (/ (+ y0 y1) 2))            ; center of window
> ;        (x x0) (y y0)                  ; I think UL of window works
> better
>        (x (+ x0 (current-column)))
>        (y (+ y0
>              (if (= (point) (point-max))
>                  (+ 1 (count-lines (window-start) (point)))
>              (count-lines (window-start) (+ 1 (point))))))
>          (new-window))
>     (catch 'look
>       (while t
>         (setq x (+ x dx))               ; keep moving
>         (setq y (+ y dy))
>         (setq new-window (window-at x y))
>         ;; Don't go off-screen, or into the minibuffer unless it's
> active.
>         (if (or (null new-window)
>                 (and (window-minibuffer-p new-window)
>                      (not (eq new-window (active-minibuffer-window)))))
>             (throw 'look nil))          ; off screen
>         (if (not (equal new-window this-window))
>             (throw 'look new-window)))))) ; found a new one
> (defun move-to-nearby-window (dx dy)
>   "Move to the nearest window in the direction of DX DY if possible."
>   (let ((new-window (find-nearby-window dx dy)))
>     (if new-window
>         (select-window new-window))))
> (defun delete-nearby-window (dx dy)
>   "Delete the nearest window in the direction of DX DY if possible."
>   (let ((new-window (find-nearby-window dx dy)))
>     (if new-window
>         (delete-window new-window))))
> (defun create-new-window-up ()
>   "Create a new window above the current one."
>   (interactive)
>   (let ((this-window (selected-window))
>         (new-window (split-window-vertically)))
>     ;; We've split the window vertically, now make sure that
>     ;; the new window is above the current one.
>     (if (< (nth 1 (window-edges new-window))
>            (nth 1 (window-edges this-window)))
>         (select-window new-window))))
> (defun create-new-window-down ()
>   "Create a new window below the current one."
>   (interactive)
>   (let ((this-window (selected-window))
>         (new-window (split-window-vertically)))
>     (if (> (nth 1 (window-edges new-window))
>            (nth 1 (window-edges this-window)))
>         (select-window new-window))))
> (defun create-new-window-left ()
>   "Create a new window to the left of the current one."
>   (interactive)
>   (let ((this-window (selected-window))
>         (new-window (split-window-horizontally)))
>     (if (< (nth 0 (window-edges new-window))
>            (nth 0 (window-edges this-window)))
>         (select-window new-window))))
> (defun create-new-window-right ()
>   "Create a new window to the right of the current one."
>   (interactive)
>   (let ((this-window (selected-window))
>         (new-window (split-window-horizontally)))
>     (if (> (nth 0 (window-edges new-window))
>            (nth 0 (window-edges this-window)))
>         (select-window new-window))))
> (defun move-up-to-window ()
>   "Move up to the next window."
>   (interactive)
>   (move-to-nearby-window 0 -1))
> (defun move-down-to-window ()
>   "Move down to the next window."
>   (interactive)
>   (move-to-nearby-window 0 1))
> (defun move-left-to-window ()
>   "Move left to the next window."
>   (interactive)
>   (move-to-nearby-window -1 0))
> (defun move-right-to-window ()
>   "Move right to the next window."
>   (interactive)
>   (move-to-nearby-window 1 0))
> (defun delete-up-window ()
>   "Delete the window above this one."
>   (interactive)
>   (delete-nearby-window 0 -1))
> (defun delete-down-window ()
>   "Delete the window below this one."
>   (interactive)
>   (delete-nearby-window 0 1))
> (defun delete-left-window ()
>   "Delete the window to the left of this one."
>   (interactive)
>   (delete-nearby-window -1 0))
> (defun delete-right-window ()
>   "Delete the window to the right of this one."
>   (interactive)
>   (delete-nearby-window 1 0))
> (defvar f1-map (make-sparse-keymap) "Keymap for F1.")
> (define-key global-map [f1]       f1-map)
> (define-key f1-map     [up]      'move-up-to-window)
> (define-key f1-map     [down]    'move-down-to-window)
> (define-key f1-map     [left]    'move-left-to-window)
> (define-key f1-map     [right]   'move-right-to-window)
> (defvar f3-map (make-sparse-keymap) "Keymap for F3.")
> (define-key global-map [f3]       f3-map)
> (define-key f3-map     [up]      'create-new-window-up)
> (define-key f3-map     [down]    'create-new-window-down)
> (define-key f3-map     [left]    'create-new-window-left)
> (define-key f3-map     [right]   'create-new-window-right)
> (defvar f4-map (make-sparse-keymap) "Keymap for F4.")
> (define-key global-map [f4]       f4-map)
> (define-key f4-map     [up]      'delete-up-window)
> (define-key f4-map     [down]    'delete-down-window)
> (define-key f4-map     [left]    'delete-left-window)
> (define-key f4-map     [right]   'delete-right-window)

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