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Re: Why do I need to eval this?

From: Arnaldo Mandel
Subject: Re: Why do I need to eval this?
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2007 10:00:48 -0200

Reiner Steib wrote (on Jan 15, 2007):
 > On Mon, Jan 15 2007, Arnaldo Mandel wrote:
 > > Here is a short utility command that is useful to those writing
 > > Portuguese on US keyboards:
 > What's wrong with `M-x set-input-method RET portuguese-prefix RET'? 

Unrelated; I am already using an adequate input-method.

US keyboards have ` and ~ on the same key, ~ is shifted `.  The key is 
in the NW corner, just below ESC.  In order to get, say ã (a tilda),
the input method I use requires one to key first a tilda, then a.

It often happens that fingers stumble, and instead of Shift-`, just a
` is keyed, so, instead of ã (a tilda) one gets à (a grave).  This
occurs quite frequently.

That little function helps correcting these errors afterwards, on
a single swipe over the buffer, so that even when one notices that the
error occurred, one does not need to break the typing to correct it. 

So, that gives the rationale for designing the function.  However,
even if there was no reason at all for it, the puzzle remains:

    when evaluated in a given session, it performs according to
    specification; when loaded, whether byte-compiled or not, it


Arnaldo Mandel               

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