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RE: how can i kill all the buffers

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: how can i kill all the buffers
Date: Tue, 30 Jan 2007 17:25:44 -0800

In Icicles:   C-x k TAB C-!

Of course, I agree with others who've said that you probably do not really
want to kill all buffers. If you don't, then use this, where <pattern> is a
regexp or a substring that matches all of the buffers you do want to kill:

C-x k <pattern> S-TAB C-!

You can see all of the matching buffer names in buffer *Completions*, and
you can modify the <pattern> if it didn't match exactly exactly what you
thought it would ;-) - the set of matches is updated on the fly. Hit `C-!'
when the matching names are those you really want.

Or use a <pattern> to match all of the buffers that you do _not_ want to
kill, and kill all the rest.  `C-~' complements the candidate set.

C-x k <pattern> S-TAB C-~ C-!

Or cycle among matching buffer candidates, killing only those you want when
you reach them. Or click `C-mouse-2' in *Completions* to selectively kill
buffers. These are all ways to manipulate the set of names that match your

The same behavior applies to deleting files, using command

Your question is a generalization of "How do I kill one buffer", which is
what standard `C-x k' (`kill-buffer') does. In Icicles, commands that affect
one object can also affect many, and `C-x k' (`icicle-kill-buffer') is an
example of this.

And it is as easy to define such a multi-command as it is to define the
single-target version - the definitions are in fact the same. - all the Icicles doc - about

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