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Re: Using a File index

From: Kevin Rodgers
Subject: Re: Using a File index
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2007 01:09:08 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20061207)

weber wrote:
On 9 fev, 14:46, "weber" <> wrote:
On 9 fev, 14:31, Mathias Dahl <> wrote:

"weber" <> writes:
How was it solved?
With this code:
(defun indexed-find (file)
  (interactive "MFilename: ")
  (find-file "my_file_index.txt")
  (if (re-search-forward (concat file " = ") nil t 1)
           (setq beg (point))
           (setq end (point))
           (find-file (buffer-substring beg end)))
     (message "File not found!"))
  (kill-buffer "my_file_index.txt"))
I had some free time and could not resist trying out some
alternatives... :)
Alternative 1:
This is basically your code, just written a bit differently:
(defun indexed-find-2 (file)
  (interactive "MFilename: ")
    (insert-file-contents "my_file_index.txt")
    (if (search-forward-regexp (format "%s = \\(.*\\)" file) nil t)
        (find-file (match-string 1))
      (message "File not found!"))))
You might want to use the full path or a variable in the file
name above.
Alternative 2:
Another way to do what you want, using completion.
(defun indexed-find-3 ()
  (let* ((file-data
           (insert-file-contents "my_file_index.txt")
           (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max))))
         (rows (split-string file-data "\n"))
         (file (completing-read "File: " rows)))
    (if (string-match "\\(.*\\) = \\(.*\\)$" file)
        (find-file (match-string 2 file))
      (message "Could not find a file on that row"))))
Or, same code, but a but harder to read maybe:
(defun indexed-find-4 ()
  (let ((file (completing-read
               "File: "
                  (insert-file-contents "my_file_index.txt")
                  (buffer-substring (point-min) (point-max)))
    (if (string-match "\\(.*\\) = \\(.*\\)$" file)
        (find-file (match-string 2 file))
      (message "Could not find a file on that row"))))
The index file was made with a ruby script, and I update it manually
when there are some new files...
You might also want to have a look at using Emacs
file-cache (
or similar functionality.
Happy hacking!
Oh, that functionality was already implemented! Why that doesn't
surprise me ? :)
Hey Mathias tks for the alternatives, I'll switch to one of those!!

Hmm, thinking about it... those versions without ARG are less
interesting because I can't use them in a function like this, right?

(defun indexed-find-current-word ()
  " Find file under cursor "
   (indexed-find-3 (current-word)))

(for example if I wanted to follow files by putting the cursor over an
#include <file.h> and hitting some key combination.. just an example)

Right: the call to completing-read should be moved within the
interactive form, to provide the value of the FILE argument _when
called interactively_.

Kevin Rodgers
Denver, Colorado, USA

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