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Re: One .emacs for three operating system

From: weber
Subject: Re: One .emacs for three operating system
Date: Tue, 14 Aug 2007 15:09:25 -0700
User-agent: G2/1.0

On 14 ago, 18:45, Eric Lilja <> wrote:
> Hello, I run emacs under windows xp, fedora 7 and solaris (unknown
> version). I want to use the same .emacs for all three operating systems.
> On Windows and fedora I have 22.1 or later, on Solaris I have 21.4
> because the admins don't like to upgrade software at all, it seems.
> Anyway, I have a few things I need to do differently on Solaris so I've
> been trying to determine if I'm running Solaris by checking the value of
> $HOME (crude, I know, I'd like to hear of a better way). Since I don't
> know lisp this is not trivial for me.
> First I did (in scratch):
> (getenv "HOME")C-j
> Prints expected string.
> Then I tried to do a comparison
> (if (eq (getenv "HOME") "/home/on/solaris")
>     (message "Duh")
> )C-j
> but I get the output Nil from that.
> So I thought that maybe it doens't like the nested getenv call for some
> reason, so I tried.
> (setq u (getenv "HOME"))C-j
> Ok, prints expected result.
> But then I noticed something that's odd to me who doesn't know lisp, if I do
> (print u)C-j
> it prints the home directory I started to wondering if u
> contains the string once or twice... When I tried use the variable u in
> the if statement instead of the nested getenv call the result was Nil
> once again.
> anyway, as you can see I'm really confused, I just want to add some
> if/else-statements to my emacs.
> if running-under-solaris is true
>     do this
> else ; assume we are running under winxp or fedora7
>     do that
> - Eric

Nop, the error is on the "eq" function.
In this case you probably want to use string-eq for comparison.
I use this:

(if (string-equal (getenv "HOME") "/your/path/")

(defun my-sun-config ()

(defun my-pc-config ()


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