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Re: .emacs file missing with emacsW32 (?)

From: Quin Wills
Subject: Re: .emacs file missing with emacsW32 (?)
Date: Sun, 02 Sep 2007 22:45:41 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070728)

Thanks, but I'm still stuck.

I'm assuming you mean that I should then be creating my own .emacs file. I've done the following. I've created the following "~/.emacs", saying the following:

load "C:/Program Files/Emacs/site-lisp/ess-5.3.5/lisp/ess-site"

And using:  control panel > system > advanced > environment variables

added "C:\Program Files\R\R-2.4.1" to both "user variables for Quin" and "system variables" to point the way to R, as I understand from:

And nothing. Oi.

Lennart Borgman (gmail) wrote:
Quin Wills wrote:
I've been using Emacs and XEmacs on and off for a few years now - mostly to run R (with ESS) and LaTeX - on both Windows XP and Ubuntu.

I installed the latest emacsW32 onto my Windows XP machine and am confused. I need to edit my .emacs file to allow ESS to run but can't find my .emacs file (yes, I can see hidden files and have searched for _emacs too). In emacs when I search the HOME directory it takes me to "C:\Documents and Settings\Quin\Application Data" which has a ".emacs.d" directory but no sight of my init file. Previously my .emacs file was just in "C:\"

Had a look about for help and in the FAQs but am not spotting anything useful. Where is my .emacs file? Yikes, sorry to be so dumb. Thanks in advance.


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*Quin Wills*
I like people who shake other people up and make them feel uncomfortable - Jim Morrison

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*Brasenose** College***


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*07951 335 714*

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