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Re: Emacs Environment Variables

From: Sven Utcke
Subject: Re: Emacs Environment Variables
Date: 03 Dec 2007 11:17:19 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3 (Johan Bockgård) writes:

> Sven Utcke <> writes:
> > (Johan Bockgård) writes:
> >
> >> history-search-backward
> >
> > Thanks.  How do I get this bound to a key?
>     # M-p
>     "\ep": history-search-backward
> in a readline config file*, or

This didn't work with my bash at home, but does work with the one at work.

>     bind '"\ep": history-search-backward'
> in a bash config file.

This works in both bash.  Thank you VERY MUCH!  It doesn't actually
mean that I will abandon tcsh as my interactive shell, but will mean
that in those cases where I find myself in a bash life will be a lot
less miserable (not so much because ESC-p is a must, but because it is
hardcoded into my fingers and causes grief everytime I press it.

I actually tried this before, but got the syntax wrong, using "M-p"
instead of "\ep" --- which, presumably, makes this post on topic again


  ___ _  _____ ___   Dr.-Ing. Sven Utcke                    ___  ___ _____   __
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| (_ | ' <\__ \__ \  fax  : +49 40 8994-5317 (NEW)         | |) | _|\__ \\ V / 
 \___|_|\_\___|___/    (to come)|___/|___|___/ |_|

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