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Re: Chars escape-quoted in RMAIL files saved from gnus

From: Peter Dyballa
Subject: Re: Chars escape-quoted in RMAIL files saved from gnus
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2008 10:38:50 +0200

Am 28.04.2008 um 01:30 schrieb Scott Heftler:

You'd think that, when emacs encounters these \205s, it would KNOW to
pick windows-1252.  But it doesn't.  Is there no way to AUTOMATE
emacs' pick of coding system?

It's possible to use (file) local variables. In the file's header, first line I think, something like

        ;; -*- mode: Emacs-Lisp; coding: utf-8; -*-

or at the file's end

        %%% Local Variables:
        %%% mode: latex
        %%% TeX-master: t
        %%% coding: utf-8-unix
        %%% TeX-command-default: "XeLaTeX"
        %%% End:

you can set a few parameters of operation. Depending on which file type(s) is easier to manipulate by these means you can leave out one encoding preference. Something like this might also work (I think I once had this active):

        ;;(setq file-coding-system-alist
        ;;  (append
        ;;    '(("\\.tex\\'" iso-latin-9-unix . iso-latin-9-unix))
        ;;    file-coding-system-alist))
        ;(modify-coding-system-alist 'file "\\.tex\\'" 'iso-latin-9-unix)

Or you can decide to reduce the number of encodings you use. Sometimes less pluralism can be more.



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