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Common Lisp DEF Macro Indentation

From: Volkan YAZICI
Subject: Common Lisp DEF Macro Indentation
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 06:03:24 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0


I'm trying to write indentation routines for DEF macro of Common Lisp
-- specifically designed for demacs[1]. Below is the code I use at the

(defmacro concatenate-symbols-for-regexp (&rest symbols)
    (let (not-first)
      (while symbols
        (if not-first
            (princ "\\|")
          (setq not-first t))
        (princ (pop symbols))))))

(setq lisp-indent-def-function-regexp
       function macro compiler-macro method generic
       type print-object class condition))

(defcustom lisp-indent-def-function-regexp
   function macro compiler-macro method generic type
   print-object class condition)
  "Definer types will be indented like a function definition form."
  :type 'string
  :group 'lisp-indent)

(defcustom lisp-indent-def-variable-regexp
   variable constant load-time-constant special-variable
   symbol-macro struct)
  "Definer types will be indented like a variable definition form."
  :type 'string
  :group 'lisp-indent)

(defcustom lisp-indent-def-setf-regexp
  (concatenate-symbols-for-regexp setf)
  "Definer types will be indented like a setf definition form."
  :type 'string
  :group 'lisp-indent)

(defmacro with-position-at-def-type (position &rest body)
     (goto-char ,position)
     (forward-char 1)
     (forward-sexp 2)
     (when (looking-at "(")
       (forward-char 1))

(defun lisp-indent-def (path state indent-point sexp-column normal-
   (with-position-at-def-type (elt state 1)
    (cond ((looking-at lisp-indent-def-function-regexp)
           '(4 4 &lambda &body))
          ((looking-at lisp-indent-def-variable-regexp)
           '(4 4 &body))
          ((looking-at lisp-indent-def-setf-regexp)
           '(4 4 &lambda &body))
           (error "No available indentation for definer of type `%s'."
   path state indent-point sexp-column normal-indent))

(put 'def 'common-lisp-indent-function 'lisp-indent-def)

The problem is if I'd start the &body part of the related s-
expressions with a list, emacs complains that ``forward-sexp: Scan
error: "Unbalanced parentheses", 201, 361''. For instance, consider
below case:

;; Indents without a problem.
(def function foo (bar)

;; Using `(moo)' instead of `moo' messes up the indentation routine.
(def function foo (bar)

What might be causing the problem? Are there any mistakes with forms I
supplied to LISP-INDENT-259? Any kind of help will be appreciated.



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