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Re: Embedding external application in emacs (or using emacs to control e

From: Thorsten Bonow
Subject: Re: Embedding external application in emacs (or using emacs to control exeternal application)
Date: Tue, 28 Oct 2008 19:13:30 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.1008 (Gnus v5.10.8) XEmacs/21.4.21 (linux)

>>>>> "Toto" == Thorsten Bonow <> writes:

>>>>> "Corey" == Corey Foote <> writes:


    Corey> I would just like to be able to say something like M-x
    Corey> refresh-firefox, and not have to click over to the firefox window to
    Corey> his refresh myself. What would be required to add this feature?


    Toto> You could look up "browse-url" in the emacs manual: Commands for
    Toto> interaction with a browser.

I should have read the manual myself: There is `browse-url-of-file' which
defaults to browsing the url of the current buffer's file.


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