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RE: Replacing Text in Compilation buffer

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: Replacing Text in Compilation buffer
Date: Mon, 3 Nov 2008 11:43:54 -0800

> In Ada mode there is command the "ada-find-references" that lists all
> references of a word in a Compilation buffer.   Some sample output
> looks like this.
> -*- mode: compilation; default-directory: "~/prog/ada/project3/src/" - *-
> Compilation started at Mon Nov  3 11:54:06
> gnat find -rf print_ip:project3.adb -P"/home/joe/prog/ada/project3/
> project3.gpr"
> /home/joe/prog/ada/project3/src/project3.adb:50:17: (spec) Print_IP
> /home/joe/prog/ada/project3/src/project3.adb:50:17: (body) Print_IP
> /home/joe/prog/ada/project3/src/project3.adb:55:11:        Print_IP
> Compilation finished at Mon Nov  3 11:54:06
> How would I go about replacing Print_IP with something else?

I assume you mean replacing it in the source files. ;-)

1. You can do this if you use Icicles (and Emacs 22 or later). In *grep* and
compilation buffers, C-c ` lets you visit grep/compilation hits that match
patterns that you can change on the fly. While doing that, you can replace all
or part of any hits you choose.

This is like query-replace without being queried for each occurrence.
Replacement is thus demand-driven: you hit a key to replace occurrences you


`C-`' in compilation (or *grep*) buffer shows you all compilation lines as
completion candidates in *Completions*.

. You type `foo'. *Completions* shows only the lines that match `foo'.

. You use `next' a few times to cycle to a line you want to visit or change.

. You hit `C-RET' to visit that line in the source code.

. You hit `C-S-RET' to replace `foo' in that line. You enter the replacement

`C-next' is like `next' + `C-RET': it visits each search (compilation) hit as
you cycle to it in *Completions*. Repeating `C-S-RET' replaces subsequent hits
the same way, including matches within the same line. `C-,' at any time toggles
between replacing the whole hit line and replacing only the part that matches
your current input (e.g. `foo'). `M-,' at any time prompts you for a new
replacement string. You can use a regexp to filter the hits and you can use a
Lisp sexp to control replacement a la `query-replace-regexp'.

You can use `C-|' to replace all hits that match your current input pattern. You
can change the input pattern on the fly, getting a different set of hits, and
then continue visiting or replacing text.

You can visit hits in any order. You can cycle among hits forward or backward.
Instead of cycling with `C-next' to a hit you are interested in, you can use
`C-mouse-2' in *Completions* to visit it directly. And you can use `C-S-mouse-2'
to replace text at that occurrence directly. 


You can also do the same kind of search-and-replace without bothering to use
`grep' or `compile' - you can search-and-replace in any number of files or
buffers at once.


2. Dunno if it ever got added to Emacs (I don't see anything about it in the
Emacs 23 manual), but there was also a vanilla Emacs patch (by Kim Storm) to let
you do text replacements based on `grep' hits. I imagine it worked also for
compilation buffer output. See the (brief) thread "Doing
search and replace via *grep* buffer", 2007-10-11:

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