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Re: emacs gdb layout

From: Ritchie
Subject: Re: emacs gdb layout
Date: Mon, 19 Jan 2009 18:42:23 -0800 (PST)
User-agent: G2/1.0

> After start gdb inside emacs with option "--annotation=3 --fullname",

Sorry, that was a typo, what I had in my .emacs originally was
(setq gud-gdb-command-name "gdb --annotate=3 --fullname")
which I think is correct.

The version I'm using is Carbon Emacs  (emacs 22)

> I suggest uou read the debuggers section of the Emacs manual.

I read the manual, but it didn't work out very well. The manual says
"If gdb-many-windows is non-nil, then M-x gdb displays the following
frame layout "

but when I have the following lines in my .emacs:

(setq gdb-many-windows t)
(setq gdb-use-separate-io-buffer t)

and run M-x gdb, i still just get the simple layout. I have to bring
out the default
frame layout by giving another two M-x gdb-many-windows. The first one
is to
disable it, the second one is to enable it again, and then the frame
layout will
show up. So I just remove the (setq gdb-many-windows t) from .emacs,
run it manually everytime after I start gdb.

my problem is that in those buffers, locals, stack, breakpoints, there
is nothing
displayed as I run the program in gdb. In the manual, it just tells
you how to use
the buffer, e.g. click on a variable in local buffer to change the
value, but in mine,
it doesn't display any local variables, even if there is in the code.
Here is the screenshot:

I'm not sure if it is normal but it would be nice if I could get it to
work like yours.

Did you give any commands for those buffers to display the contents?

And by the way, here is my configuration for gdb in my .emacs :

;; ===================================================================
;; Add color to the current GUD line (obrigado google)
;; ===================================================================

(defvar gud-overlay
  (let* ((ov (make-overlay (point-min) (point-min))))
    (overlay-put ov 'face 'secondary-selection)
  "Overlay variable for GUD highlighting.")

(defadvice gud-display-line (after my-gud-highlight act)
           "Highlight current line."
           (let* ((ov gud-overlay)
                  (bf (gud-find-file true-file)))
                 (set-buffer bf)
                   (move-overlay ov (line-beginning-position) (line-

(defun gud-kill-buffer ()
  (if (eq major-mode 'gud-mode)
    (delete-overlay gud-overlay)))

(add-hook 'kill-buffer-hook 'gud-kill-buffer)

;; =================================
;; GDB configuration
;; =================================

(require 'gud)
(require 'gdb-ui)
(setq gud-gdb-command-name "gdb --annotate=3 --fullname")
(setq gdb-many-windows t)
(setq gdb-use-separate-io-buffer t)

;;(add-hook 'gdb-mode-hook '(lambda () (require 'gdb-highlight)))

(add-hook 'gud-mode-hook
          '(lambda ()
            (local-set-key [home]        ; move to beginning of line,
after prompt
            (local-set-key [up]          ; cycle backward through
command history
             '(lambda () (interactive)
               (if (comint-after-pmark-p)
                   (comint-previous-input 1)
                   (previous-line 1))))
            (local-set-key [down]        ; cycle forward through
command history
             '(lambda () (interactive)
               (if (comint-after-pmark-p)
                   (comint-next-input 1)
                   (forward-line 1))))

Thank you

- R

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