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Re: authentification with url-retrieve

From: Thierry Volpiatto
Subject: Re: authentification with url-retrieve
Date: Tue, 20 Jan 2009 21:19:06 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.60 (gnu/linux)

Hi Ted!

Ted Zlatanov <> writes:

> On Fri, 16 Jan 2009 23:22:15 +0100 Thierry Volpiatto 
> <> wrote: 
> TV> When i use encryption, (epa settings) i am prompt two times for
> TV> passphrase, is it normal?
>> Ted Z wrote:
>>> No, if you're caching the passphrase
>>> (epa-file-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption should be t).  Can
>>> you check?
> TV> It is set to t, and it always prompt two times for passphrase.
> TV> One problem also is that passphrase is required for things that
> TV> doesn't need it: For example with gnus i am prompt for passphrase
> TV> when i start gnus to read my mails but i use fetchmail to retrieve
> TV> my mails. No password is set in gnus to contact pop service.  Is it
> TV> possible to write in authinfo a pop entry with a dummy password or a
> TV> password set to nil?
> Sure, but let's be clear on what's happening.
So i am speaking about the use of a .authinfo.gpg.

About reading mails/news in gnus:
When i call gnus , i do not need any authentification because at this
moment, my mails are already retrieved by fetchmail. gnus have only to
bring my mails from my incoming directory to his directory (Mail).
But gnus try to read .authinfo.gpg if it exist.

> You start up Gnus.  Then you are asked for what password?  You enter it;

I am asked a first time for my gpg passphrase.

> what's in *Messages*?

/home/thierry/.authi: 0% (0/721)
/home/thierry/.authi: 100% (721/721)

> You are asked again for what password?  You enter it again, what's new

I am asked a second time for my gpg passphrase.

> in *Messages*?

/home/thierry/.authi: 0% (0/721)
/home/thierry/.authi: 100% (721/721)

Now gnus start normally.

NOTE: actually i don't know why i, when i start again gnus i am prompt
again (two times) for my passphrase like if :

| (setq epa-file-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption t)

have no effect.

> The exact prompts and sequence of events are important.  I also need to
> know your authinfo contents, suitably edited to keep your info private.

My .authinfo.gpg:

| machine port https login xxxxxx password xxxxxxx
| machine port 587 login xxxxxx password xxxxxxxxx

The smtp line replace the old settings in .gnus.el:

| ;; (setq smtpmail-auth-credentials '(("" 587 
| ;; "my_email_as_login" "My_password")))

My authinfo config in .emacs:

| (require 'auth-source)
| (require 'epa-file)
| (epa-file-enable)
| (setq epa-file-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption t) ; VERY important
| (setq auth-sources '((:source "~/.authinfo.gpg" :host t :protocol t)))

I hope i was clear, feel free to ask me more infos.
Thank you.
A + Thierry Volpiatto
Location: Saint-Cyr-Sur-Mer - France

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