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Re: usability problem of emacs describe-mode

From: Xah Lee
Subject: Re: usability problem of emacs describe-mode
Date: Sun, 1 Mar 2009 17:46:32 -0800 (PST)
User-agent: G2/1.0

Drew Adams wrote:

> Description:
> Yes, and it's described in the file and the doc strings of the user options. 
> To
> quote:
> ------8<-------------------
> * Option `pp^L-^L-string':
> Highlighted string displayed in place of each Control-l (^L) character.
> If `pp^L-^L-string-function' is non-nil, then the string that function
> returns is used instead of `pp^L-^L-string'.
> * Option `pp^L-^L-string-function':
> Function to produce string displayed in place of each Control-l (^L) char.
> If this is non-nil, then option `pp^L-^L-string' is not used.
> You can use this option to have a dynamically defined display string.
> For example, with `foo' as the value, and this definition, a
> window-width horizontal line is displayed.
>   (defun foo () (make-string (window-width) ?_))
> In the library's Commentary:
> Note: If you use option `pp^L-^L-string-function' to define the ^L
> appearance based on the current window (e.g. its width), then you
> might want to add command `refresh-pretty-control-l' to variable
> `window-configuration-change-hook', to automatically update the ^L
> display whenever you resize the window:
>  (add-hook 'window-configuration-change-hook
>            'refresh-pretty-control-l)
> ------8<-------------------
> So:
> * If you want a different static string from the default,
>   "          Section (Printable Page)          ", then just
>   customize `pp^L-^L-string'.
> * If you want a dynamic string, such as a horizontal line for the
>   full window width, even as the window is resized, then use
>   `pp^L-^L-string-function'. That option can have a function value.
>   If it does, then whatever string that function returns is used.
> You can also customize the face used, and prefix and suffix strings to bookend
> the basic string.

Hi Drew,

i'm having some problem customize this.

Basically, all i want is a single horizontal bar, in complete black,
that's about 60 chars long. (which is a bit longer than the default)

I tried to customize the string, or the font... basically now and then
spend some 30 min but can't achieve this.

i use customize-group. Each time, i have to reload pretty-control-l-
mode, then call describe-mode again to see.

The pp^l string i tried 60 spaces, to make it longer.

The pp^l highlight i tried adjust the box, but then i got 2 bars. Then
i tried turn off the box and use strick-through... but it became too

Also, i think when box is off and strike thru is on and string is
spaces, it doesn't show the strike thru.

Can you tell me what's the setting to use to get what i want? And,
would you consider this as default? i.e. just a simple black
horizontal line that's about 60 char long.



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