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Re: Working with different projects in Emacs

From: Vagn Johansen
Subject: Re: Working with different projects in Emacs
Date: Thu, 09 Apr 2009 21:45:54 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.2 (darwin)

rustom <> writes:


> Tried it.  Well getting a basic list of directories is working. Nice!
> tags is not working
> vps-make-tags gives me
> etags unknown option --members

"--members" is a valid option for the etags program that comes with

You have probably installed Excuberant tags. It (usually) installs a
ctags and an etags binary. So you are likely to have 2 etags programs
in your path.

Try "etags --help" and "ctags --help" to see what you have got.

I suggest you supply your own version of the vps-make-tags function
where you call the etags/ctags with the options you want. Add the
function definition AFTER the (require 'vps)

If you have the Excuberant tags then the following should work

(defun vps-make-tags ()
  (message "%s: Making tags file" vps-project-name)
  (shell-command (format "etags -L %s -f %s" 
                   (shell-quote-argument (vps-filelist-filename))
                   (shell-quote-argument (vps-tags-filename)))))

Vagn Johansen

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