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Migrating from hilit

From: emacsy
Subject: Migrating from hilit
Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 10:51:17 -0700 (PDT)

I am trying to take off all hilit19 references in an .emacs file I got from a
friend. I am using assembly code alot and I need to convert this snippet of
code by taking off all hilit functions:hilit-string-find,
hilit-set-mode-patterns. Could someone please help.
This is the code:
;; ASM mode 
  (setq            auto-mode-alist           (append '(("\\.S\\'"  .
asm-mode)) auto-mode-alist) )
  (add-hook        'asm-mode-hook            '(lambda ()
(modify-syntax-entry ?_ "w   " asm-mode-syntax-table))) ;; change _ to be
part of a word in asm mode
  (let             ((comments                '(("/\\*" "\\*/" comment)))
                    (strings                 '((hilit-string-find ?'
                    (preprocessor            '(("^#[
\t]*\\(undef\\|define\\).*$" "[^\\]$" define)
                                                       ("^#.*$" nil include)))
                     comments strings preprocessor
                       ("^\\(\\(\\.\\|_\\|\\sw\\)+:\\)" nil msg-subject)
                       ;; key words
("\\.\\b\\(org\\|data\\|text\\|word\\|char\\|globl\\|align\\|skip\\)\\b" nil
                       ("\\(%hi\\|%lo\\)" nil include)
                       ;; branch instructions
nil label)
                       ("\\b\\(sc\\|rfi\\)\\b" nil label)
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