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Re: pgg-encrypt and confirming passphrase

From: Richard Riley
Subject: Re: pgg-encrypt and confirming passphrase
Date: Sat, 09 May 2009 22:55:32 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.0.92 (gnu/linux)

Dmitri Minaev <> writes:

> On Sat, May 9, 2009 at 6:00 PM, Peter Rayner <> 
> wrote:
>>  So, should
>> pgg-encrypt-symmetric-region ask for a confirmation of a passphrase?
> Sorry for a probably irrelevant answer, but EasyPG asks for
> confirmation of the symmetric password. It might be a better choice
> than PGG

yes, in emacs 23 its now default I think ... but I had pgg before and it
prompted fine.

emacs 23 : simply 

(require 'epa)

And then the only customisation I have is

(setq  epa-file-cache-passphrase-for-symmetric-encryption t)

Unfortunately, in Emacs 23, it's an area with not so good documentation
and the manuals are/were wrong with regard to the default settings.

Just for the record, it's not necessarily clear from the wiki or
accompanying docs how to use this stuff in gnus. After some digging and
emails this is how I now  have it working with gnus posting styles:

(setq gnus-posting-styles `((".*"
                            (name "rgr")
                            (from "rgr <>")
                            (eval(setq gnushush-user-agent-header (quote real)))
                            (signature-file "~/.emacs.d/.sigs/rgr.sig")
                            (eval (setq mml2015-signers '("b39*****"))))))

The mml2015-signers (!) being the equivalent of the pgg-user-id or whatever
it was before.

For the symmetric encryption password, the best way to stop a GUI prompt
for the pwd and to prompt in the emacs minibuffer is

(setenv "GPG_AGENT_INFO" nil)

I mention all this in case anyone else is digging around - the whole
pgp/gpg/epa/epg/mml stuff left me with rather a headache!




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