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problems displaying german "umlaute"

From: Rainer Stengele
Subject: problems displaying german "umlaute"
Date: Tue, 19 May 2009 23:05:44 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090409)

Hi all,

sorry this is surely a standard problem but I cannot find a fast solution.

I am using textfiles (actually org-mode text) both on windows emacs 23 (emacsw32-20090226) and under different linux variants (kubuntu, sidux) some running emacs 22 and some emacs 23.

The problem is that the "umlauts" shown in the windows emacs without problems are shown as code under linux.

I am using the exact same configuration (versioned by subversion), .emacs etc.

So under windows I see:

Hüpfreduzierspiel rekursiv lösen                                                

under linux I see:                              

H\303\274pfreduzierspiel rekursiv l\366sen                                      

What can I do?

Thank you for any hint!


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