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Re: setup spell checking in windows emacs with emacsW32

From: B. T. Raven
Subject: Re: setup spell checking in windows emacs with emacsW32
Date: Sat, 30 May 2009 23:16:56 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20090302)

Xah Lee wrote:
just bought a PC and installed Lennart's EmacsW32, which is really

how to set the spell checking up though? i.e. ispell-word or flyspell-

when i run ispell-word, it gives:
“apply: Searching for program: no such file or directory, ispell”.

i read most emacsW32 doc and emacswiki, but didn't seems to find the

Do i need to set a path to cygwin ispell or something? (i have aspell
installed in cygwin, but not ispell yet)



Lennart's Emacs is patched native w32 build I think. You might need aspell from here:

I don't know whether you also need w32 kde or not or even what that might mean. If you learn anything, let me know how you use ispell-aspell for other languages than English. The relevant line from ispell.el is:

(defcustom ispell-program-name
  (or (locate-file "aspell" exec-path exec-suffixes 'file-executable-p)
  "Program invoked by \\[ispell-word] and \\[ispell-region] commands."
  :type 'string
  :group 'ispell)

but most of the paths in this file refer to glunix directory structure so I don't know how it applies to w32. Maybe if you had Lennart's Emacs running and also had a cygwin bash shell process, Emacs might find your aspell program.


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