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Emacs chess.el help again to connect to FICS

From: rpd
Subject: Emacs chess.el help again to connect to FICS
Date: Sat, 25 Jul 2009 15:38:21 -0700 (PDT)

I have been unsuccessfully trying to get my emacs chess module to connect to
FICS chess server.
I would be very grateful if someone could help me get the right .emacs code
to get this to work.
Presently with my .emacs code I get this error after I C-u M-x chess REt ics

Debugger entered--Lisp error: (error "Unknown host
  make-network-process(:name "*chess-irc*" :buffer #<buffer  *chess-irc*<2>>
:host "" :service 6667)
  open-network-stream("*chess-irc*" #<buffer  *chess-irc*<2>>
"" 6667)
  (setq chess-irc-engine engine proc (open-network-stream "*chess-irc*"
(current-buffer) chess-irc-server chess-irc-port))
  (save-current-buffer (set-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *chess-irc*"))
(setq chess-irc-engine engine proc (open-network-stream "*chess-irc*" ...
chess-irc-server chess-irc-port)) (chess-message (quote irc-logging-in)
chess-irc-nick) (when (and proc ... ...) (process-send-string proc ...)
(process-send-string proc ...) (set-process-filter proc ...)
(set-process-buffer proc ...) (set-marker ... ...) (chess-message ...)))
  (with-current-buffer (generate-new-buffer " *chess-irc*") (setq
chess-irc-engine engine proc (open-network-stream "*chess-irc*" ...
chess-irc-server chess-irc-port)) (chess-message (quote irc-logging-in)
chess-irc-nick) (when (and proc ... ...) (process-send-string proc ...)
(process-send-string proc ...) (set-process-filter proc ...)
(set-process-buffer proc ...) (set-marker ... ...) (chess-message ...)))
  (let ((engine ...) proc) (with-current-buffer (generate-new-buffer "
*chess-irc*") (setq chess-irc-engine engine proc ...) (chess-message ...
chess-irc-nick) (when ... ... ... ... ... ... ...)) (setq chess-irc-process
  (cond ((eq event ...) (chess-message ... chess-irc-server chess-irc-port)
(let ... ... ...) t) ((eq event ...) (setq chess-irc-opponent ...)
(chess-network-handler ... chess-irc-opponent)) ((eq event ...)
(chess-engine-send nil "quit") (process-send-string chess-irc-process "QUIT
:Goodbye\n") (kill-buffer ...)) ((eq event ...) (process-send-string
chess-irc-process ...)) (t (apply ... game event args)))
  (if chess-engine-handling-event nil (cond (... ... ... t) (... ... ...)
(... ... ... ...) (... ...) (t ...)))

++++ a whole load more!

My .emacs chess.el code is a mess but it does let me play chess against
GNUchess or Crafty engines (& displays the board/pieces-see my earlier post
for help with this!). I also still need to get chess-puzzle mode working.
Here is my chess .emacs code:

;;;Play CHESS with chess.el module-load directories & files:
(add-to-list 'load-path "C:\\Users\\Dad\\Emacs\\chess")
(add-to-list 'load-path "C:\\Users\\Dad\\Emacs")
(add-to-list 'load-path "C:\\Users\\Dad\\Emacs\\xboard .xpm pieces size
grouped\\xboard pieces size29 emacs")
(add-to-list 'load-path  "C:\\Users\\Dad\\Emacs\\xboard-4.2.7\\pixmaps")
(add-to-list 'load-path  "C:\\Users\\Dad\\Emacs\\1001bwtc.pgn")
(add-to-list 'load-path "C:\\Users\\Dad\\Emacs\\pieces small")
(autoload 'chess "C:\\Users\\Dad\\Emacs\\chess\\chess.el" "Play a game of
chess" t)
(autoload 'chess-puzzle "C:\\Users\\Dad\\Emacs\\chess\\chess-puzzle.el" 
"Pick a random puzzle from FILE, and solve it against the default engine."
(autoload 'chess-ics "C:\\Users\\Dad\\Emacs\\chess\\chess-ics.el"  "Connect
to an Internet Chess Server." t)
(autoload 'chess-images "C:\\Users\\Dad\\Emacs\\chess"  "chess-images." t)

;;(require 'chess-puzzle)

;;; From EmacsWikiChess.el:
;;;The chess.el project also contains an unrelated implementation of ICS
;;;called chess-ics.el. To startup chess.el against a ICS server, use C-u
M-x chess RET ics RET

;;From Lennart Bergmann Nabble/Gnuforum reply to my help chess.el error
chess-create error in Emacs
;suggest M-:(require 'cl)- I try this in .emacs file & it works (it is
(require 'cl)

;;;Code to set chess engine & display parameters-this is needed!

;;chess-images-default-size 40
;;chess-ics-server-list '(("" 5000 "themoveR"))
chess-default-engine 'chess-gnuchess
;;chess-default-engine 'chess-Numpty_0.4pr
 chess-images-separate-frame nil)
;;chess-images-highlight-color "blue"
;; chess-display-popup nil)
;; chess-display-highlight-legal nil)

;;;Some code I tried but didn't work -but I have left here for some reason!

;;;;Code from somewhere that seems to work & is needed to display board &
pieces & use sounds!
  ;; custom-set-variables was added by Custom.
  ;; If you edit it by hand, you could mess it up, so be careful.
  ;; Your init file should contain only one such instance.
  ;; If there is more than one, they won't work right.
'(chess-ics-server-list ("" 5000 "themoveR"))
 '(chess-images-directory "C:\\Users\\Dad\\Emacs\\xboard .xpm pieces size
grouped\\xboard pieces size29 emacs")
'(chess-sound-directory "C:\\Users\\Dad\\Emacs\\sounds\\sounds"))

;;'chess-ics-server-list ("" 5000 "themoveR")
;;'chess-puzzle-directory ("C:\\Users\\Dad\\Emacs\\chess\\1001bwtc.pgn")

;;;From Ed O'Connor .emacs-I have not tried this code!
;;;(when (locate-library "chess-auto")
;;;(load-library "chess-auto"))

;;;Code from Mario Lang .emacs (I have tried this code but unsuccessfully):
;;(setq chess-sound-directory (concat chessdir "/sounds"))))
;;chess-ics-server-list '("" 5000 "themoveR"))

I am most grateful if anyone can help me further with getting this emacs
chess.el module configured more fully. I look forward to some help, thanks

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