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Re: slime and lisp buffer encoding

From: Giovanni Lanzani
Subject: Re: slime and lisp buffer encoding
Date: Fri, 07 Aug 2009 12:26:40 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.1 (darwin)

Eric Abrahamsen <> writes:

> Eric Hi,
> Eric
> Eric I'm using Emacs and slime to do a bit of hunchentoot (lisp
> Eric web server) development, and I'm running into an encoding
> Eric problem. I don't know  which of the links in the chain is
> Eric causing the problem, so I hope  someone here will see what's
> Eric going...
> Eric
> Eric Basically, using hunchentoot (with cl-who for html
> Eric templating) involves writing the html templates directly
> Eric into the source code, and  I'm discovering that I can't type
> Eric utf-8 text into these source files.  Compiling a defun with
> Eric unicode in it results in an encoding error (I  believe
> Eric thrown by slime as the defun gets sent to the repl).
> Eric
> Eric I have set everything I can set (file, keyboard, subprocess
> Eric IO) to utf-8-unix. The weird thing is, I can type a Latin
> Eric accented a (à) into  the source without trouble. Hunchentoot
> Eric seems to use a CONTENT-TYPE of  iso-8859-1 by default, in
> Eric which case the à shows up fine in the  browser. If I set
> Eric content type to utf-8, my browser garbles the à. So  my lisp
> Eric strings must be encoded as iso-8859-1, but how did they get
> Eric that way? And how do I make them utf-8?
> Eric
> Eric I'm using emacs CVS, slime 3.0 alpha, Mac Leopard, ccl
> Eric version 1.2. Hope someone's got a pointer (if only to the
> Eric slime or hunchentoot  mailing lists).
> Eric
> Eric Thanks,
> Eric Eric

Hi Eric, I don't know if this is related to another problem I have with
weblogger.el: basically if I write some html code, emacs, when sending
it to the web, screws it up. This does not happen with Emacs 22. Would
you be able to try Emacs 22 and see if this happens?



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