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Re: Adding clipboard content to the kill ring automatically (Windows)

From: Andreas Politz
Subject: Re: Adding clipboard content to the kill ring automatically (Windows)
Date: Sun, 13 Sep 2009 20:33:24 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.1 (gnu/linux)

PT <> writes:

> Eli Zaretskii <eliz <at>> writes:
>> Yes, set x-select-enable-clipboard to nil, while you edit and don't
>> want to clobber what's in the clipboard.  Then re-set it to t after
>> you are done editing.
> Okay, by automatically I meant some method which doesn't require manual 
> intervention.
> Manually I can yank clipboard first, undo it, this way it gets to
> the kill-ring, then do some other killings and finally retrieve
> clipboard text from the kill ring with M-y
> The point is I want some automatic solution like running an idle timer 
> every second or so which checks if there is new text on the clipboard
> and if so then adds it to the kill ring. This is sort of a brute force 
> solution, having a constantly running timer, that's why I asked if there 
> is a  more intelligent automatic solution for the problem than that.

I use something like the following, when I need to grab a couple of
links in some browser. I don't know know, if that works on w32 and it is
likely going to destroy any non-text clipboard content.

(defun kill-clipboard-fn (type)
  (kill-new (x-get-selection))
  (x-set-selection nil (x-get-selection)))

(define-minor-mode auto-kill-clipboard
  nil nil nil nil
  :global t
  (if (not auto-kill-clipboard)
      (remove-hook 'x-lost-selection-functions 'kill-clipboard-fn)
    (x-set-selection nil (x-get-selection))
    (add-hook 'x-lost-selection-functions 'kill-clipboard-fn)))


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