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cperl-mode and fontlock

From: Harry Putnam
Subject: cperl-mode and fontlock
Date: Thu, 17 Sep 2009 17:37:35 -0500
User-agent: Gnus/5.110011 (No Gnus v0.11) Emacs/23.1.50 (gnu/linux)

(I've cross posted to emacs-devel on the off chance this is strictly a
cvs-emacs problem)
Running recent cvs-emacs on Gentoo linux

Does every one have trouble with syntax highlight in cperl-mode or is
it a local phenomena for me?

I do have `(global-font-lock-mode t)' set in site-start.el

And this in ~/.emacs
=====     *     =====     *     =====     *     =====
;;; Make syntax highlight in shell mode show better colors...
;;; No more dark glaring blue on dark terminal
(eval-after-load 'ansi-color
     (setq ansi-color-names-vector ["gray50" "salmon" "palegreen"
                                    "lightgoldenrod" "SkyBlue2"
                                    "plum3" "turquoise" "white"])
     (setq ansi-color-map (ansi-color-make-color-map))))
=====     *     =====     *     =====     *     =====
What I see in X, is a general loss of font-locking as I work along.
(Haven't tested in console mode)

As I enter code... syn-hilite appears to be working just as expected
but as time wears on and some of the code scrolls off the screen,
Eventually when viewed later syn-hilite has disappeared in all but a
few items.

Just scrolling code off visible area and back doesn't appear to do it
... I'm not sure exactly what does.

If I return to edit some already entered code that has lost its
syn-hilite, the hilite returns the instant I make any
modification. But then later I see its left again.

Calling M-x `font-lock-fontify-buffer' does not seem to re-instate the
syntax highlight where it has already gone away either.

And its not the kind of thing you see when you've forgotten a closing
quote.  In that case the whole section turns a uniform color.
What I'm seeing is return to default face after a while.  Instead of
the faces specified by syntax highlight code. And not all items have
turned back to default... some remain hilited.

An example of something that appear to routinely loose thier highlight
are perls' `my' and `our' stipulators.  `While' and `if' fall prey after while
too, including coding between the curly braces ({...}).

Some things that stay highlighted are things inside quotes, and things
inside the regular expression operators (//).

Any ideas what to do about it?

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