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Re: defadvice question.

From: Kevin Rodgers
Subject: Re: defadvice question.
Date: Mon, 21 Sep 2009 21:01:30 -0600
User-agent: Thunderbird (Macintosh/20090812)

Michal wrote:
Hallo group members.
when doing C-u M-x cvs-checkout I wanted to always have in minibuffer history ring, my cvs root, just to
use up arrow key to get it. So I did:

(setenv "CVSROOT" "/my/cvs/root")

(defadvice cvs-checkout
  (before cvs-checkout-cvs-root-add-to-history-ring)
  (add-to-list 'minibuffer-history (getenv "CVSROOT")))

(ad-activate 'cvs-checkout)

but it does not work. Have You an idea why?

`before' advice runs after the interactive arguments are read.  See the
"Combined Definition" node of the Elisp manual (under "Advising Functions").

You can modify the interactive form, like this:

(defadvice cvs-checkout (before minibuffer-history)
  "Add CVSROOT environment variable to `minibuffer-history'."
  (interactive (let ((minibuffer-history
                      (cons (getenv "CVSROOT") minibuffer-history)))

The tricky part is the "...".  You could copy the entire interactive form from
cvs-checkout source in pcvs.el, but that defeats the whole purpose of using
advice.  You might be able to work around it like this:

(defvar cvs-checkout-interactive-form
  (interactive-form 'cvs-checkout))

(defadvice cvs-checkout (before minibuffer-history)
  "Add CVSROOT environment variable to `minibuffer-history'."
  (interactive (let ((minibuffer-history
                      (cons (getenv "CVSROOT") minibuffer-history)))
                 (call-interactively `(lambda (&rest cvs-checkout-args)

Kevin Rodgers
Denver, Colorado, USA

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