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Function to replace space on the beginning of a line with nbsp

From: Decebal
Subject: Function to replace space on the beginning of a line with nbsp
Date: Sat, 10 Oct 2009 02:01:51 -0700 (PDT)
User-agent: G2/1.0

Because sometimes I want to put indented things on LinkedIn and there
is no way to do this in a normal way, I made a function to change te
starting spaces of a region to nbsp. (Those are displayed correctly.)
Offcourse I made a function for the reverse and a general function to
change a regulair expression with a string (maybe severall times) for
the same length.

The functions:
(defun replace-regexp-with-string(begin end reg-exp substitute-str)
  (interactive "r\nsregulair expression: \nssubstitutie string: ")
  (let ((max-length))
        (narrow-to-region begin end)
        (goto-char (point-min))
        (while (re-search-forward reg-exp nil t)
          (setq match-length (- (point) (match-beginning 0)))
          (while (> match-length (length substitute-str))
            (setq substitute-str (concat substitute-str substitute-
          (replace-match (substring substitute-str 0 match-

(defun start-with-nbsp(begin end)
  (interactive "r")
  (replace-regexp-with-string begin end "^ +" " ") ;the character in
the replace string is chr$(160)

(defun start-with-spaces(begin end)
  (interactive "r")
  (replace-regexp-with-string begin end "^ +" " ")

Hope that it is usefull to someone.

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