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Re: Java development with Emacs

From: Steve Revilak
Subject: Re: Java development with Emacs
Date: Mon, 8 Mar 2010 09:06:39 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.20 (2009-06-14)

Okay, so I think I'm just about done with NetBeans.  Thus far the only
thing giving me a rash is the editor, which is made marginally useful
(for me) through the Emacs key binding set.  Unfortunately, that last
"ten percent" I'm missing has proven to be such a source of annoyance
that...well...I just can't take it anymore, man! *sniff*

What is the done thing when it comes to writing Java applications
using Emacs?  There's obviously a mode for writing the code, but what
other packages and .emacs magic might I want to use to get the most
from it?  I could easily Google some how-tos and whatnot, I'm sure,
but I'm also highly interested in the opinions of people actually
working with Java today as to the usability of Emacs for the task of
writing programs spanning multiple files and such.

So if you're writing Java applications with Emacs as your
center-piece, how are you doing it and what other tools are you using?

This topic comes up every once in a while, and I'm sure you'll find
plenty of opinions in the archives of help-gnu-emacs.

I use emacs for java development.  My setup is very simple, but it
works well for me.

 - java mode for java editing

 - ant for compilation, javadoc generation, and general integration
   with third-party java development tools.

   I set the shell environment variable ANT_ARGS=-emacs so that ant
   outputs file and line numbers in a format that compilation mode
understands. Within emacs, I
   (setq compile-command "ant -find build.xml ")

 - gnu global for source code indexing and symbol navigation.

 - emacs' existing facilities for interacting with version control
   systems (cvs-mode, vc, etc)

 - A web browser for viewing javadoc

 - Occasionally, I use eclipse as a debugger.  (Primarily because
   I've never come to terms with jdb.)


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