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Re: easy-to-use bookmarks functionality

From: alex_sv
Subject: Re: easy-to-use bookmarks functionality
Date: Tue, 04 May 2010 15:42:36 -0000
User-agent: G2/1.0

On Mar 16, 11:58 pm, José A. Romero L. <> wrote:

I didn't noticed possibility to use read-kbd-macro and back-quote
Thank you!

I slightly modified your function - now it prints message that
bookmark is set, just a copestone:

(defun bind-navigation-commands-to-numkeys ()
  "provides easy-to-use bookmarking functionality - binds navigation
commands to
C-{index}, M-{index} keys, where index is a numeric key from 1 to 9,
C-{index} - saves bookmark, M-{index} - jumps to the saved point"
  ;; assign handlers for C/M-[1..9] keys
  (loop for key-index from 1 to 9 do
       (let ((key-str (int-to-string key-index)))
         ;; save point
          ;; retrieve C-{index} keyboard sequence
          (read-kbd-macro (concat "C-" (int-to-string key-index)))
          ;; handler form
          `(lambda ()
             (point-to-register ,key-index)
             (message (concat "setting bookmark #" ,key-str))))

         ;; goto saved point
          ;; retrieve M-{index} keyboard sequence
          (read-kbd-macro (concat "M-" (int-to-string key-index)))
          ;; handler form
          `(lambda () (interactive) (register-to-point ,key-index))))))

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