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Evaluate current line in Python mode?

From: Michael Hannon
Subject: Evaluate current line in Python mode?
Date: Sat, 28 Aug 2010 12:45:42 -0700 (PDT)

Greetings.  I use Emacs for, among other things, running Python code and R
code.  In both modes (Python and ESS "Emacs Speaks Statistics") there is a
function bound to the sequence:

    C-c C-n

Both functions advance to the next line of code in the buffer, i.e., skipping
blank lines, comment lines, etc.

In ESS mode the function bound to C-c C-n also (by default) sends the current
line to R for evaluation.  I find this to be very convenient as a way to watch
calculations "evolve".

It's possible to do something similar in Python mode by selecting the
current line and then sending the region (C-c C-r) to Python for evaluation,
but this is a bit cumbersome.

Can anybody suggest a way to graft the ESS-mode behavior onto Python mode?
I've appended the high-level descriptions of both functions.  I understand
that the source code is available, and that I'm free to hack away to my
heart's content.  I just don't have the skills at Emacs/Lisp required to do
such a thing in a finite amount of time.

Thanks and best wishes,

-- Mike

    Python mode

C-c C-n runs the command python-next-statement, which is an
interactive compiled Lisp function.

It is bound to C-c C-n.

(python-next-statement &optional COUNT)

Go to start of next statement.
With argument COUNT, do it COUNT times.  Stop at end of buffer.
Return count of statements left to move.


    ESS mode

C-c C-n runs the command ess-eval-line-and-step, which is an
interactive compiled Lisp function in `ess-inf.el'.

It is bound to C-c C-n, C-c C-e C-n, <menu-bar> <ESS> <ESS Eval> <Eval
line & step>.

(ess-eval-line-and-step &optional SIMPLE-NEXT EVEN-EMPTY INVISIBLY)

Evaluate the current line visibly and step to the "next" line.
"next" = the next line with non-comment code _unless_ SIMPLE-NEXT is non-nil,
possibly via prefix arg.  If 2nd arg EVEN-EMPTY [prefix as well],
also send empty lines.    When the variable `ess-eval-empty' is non-nil
both SIMPLE-NEXT and EVEN-EMPTY are interpreted as true.


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