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RE: help to change emacs defaults

From: Drew Adams
Subject: RE: help to change emacs defaults
Date: Fri, 3 Dec 2010 10:28:58 -0800

> How do I stop the following:
> Every time the right scroll bar is used with the middle mouse
> button, it pastes wherever the cursor happens to be when the
> mouse is finally released.  To be clear, I am not middle-clicking
> in the editing area!

Sounds like a bug.  `M-x report-emacs-bug RET'.

(I assume your Emacs is compiled with GTK+ support on X Window.  Otherwise,
`mouse-2' should do nothing on the scroll bar, AFAIK.)
> Also, how do I permanently disable "Active Region Highlighting"?
> (Select, scroll, paste is impossible when enabled.)

That last part makes it sound like the only reason you want to do this is
because of the bug mentioned above.

> I disabled it, saved options, and restarted, but sometimes
> new buffers re-enable ARH.  I can see '(transient-mark-mode)
> nil in .emacs config file already.

Maybe the modes of those new buffers impose transient-mark mode?  Have you
checked the (local) value of variable `transient-mark-mode' in those buffers
(use C-h v)?

If not, consider filing a separate bug for this.  You should be able to use the
Options menu to turn off t-m mode and then use it to save your changes, and
those changes should be respected in new Emacs sessions.  When you file a bug,
give a step-by-step recipe to reproduce it, starting from emacs -Q.

(It's important to start from emacs -Q.  Otherwise, there might well be
something else from your .emacs or something it loads that is affecting the

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