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Automatically checking parentheses before a global save not working.

From: Elena
Subject: Automatically checking parentheses before a global save not working.
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2010 15:16:44 -0000
User-agent: G2/1.0


I've written a function to check parentheses of Lisp buffers during a
global save - after being added to `before-save-hook' - so that
whenever it spots an unbalanced parentheses, it offers the user a
chance to fix it. However, it seems I can't switch to the offending
buffer. Maybe I just don't understand the way `condition-case' works.

Here is my code:

(defun fix-parens-or-save-anyway ()
        "Check for unbalanced parentheses before saving. To be used with

If parentheses are balanced, do nothing. Otherwise let the user know
and ask for confirmation before saving. If user confirms, do nothing;
otherwise switch to such buffer and let the user fix the error.
        (condition-case nil
                 (unless (yes-or-no-p (format "%s: Unbalanced parentheses. Save
anyway?" (buffer-name)))
                         (switch-to-buffer (buffer-name))

(defun my-emacs-lisp-save-hook()
        (add-hook 'before-save-hook
                          nil ; Prepend this hook (default).
                          t ; This is a local hook.

(add-hook 'emacs-lisp-mode-hook 'my-emacs-lisp-save-hook)

Thanks for your help.

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