Dear All,
I have been playing for a while with files that have small bits of
FlateDecode, ASCIIHexDecode, ASCII85Decode, and LZWDecode streams. My
familiarity with these compression methods is limited to using the
unix uncompress, gunzip and other compiled commands. At one time I was
able to conveniently decode base64 fragments in emacs using the
following commands.
Command: Base64-decode the region between BEG and END.
hexlify-buffer and dehexlify-buffer
Is there a solution within emacs or someone has a method to use
libraries or to translate code from python/ruby etc. I could not find
any (apropos decode) with reference to the above compression methods.
In ruby, FlateDecode and ASCII85Decode can be decompressed with
existing ruby module which are zlib and Ascii85.