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Writing to buffer/file

From: Michael Powe
Subject: Writing to buffer/file
Date: Wed, 08 Dec 2010 15:28:26 -0000
User-agent: Gnus/5.11 (Gnus v5.11) Emacs/22.3 (gnu/linux)


I am writing a function in elisp to do the following:

open and read an .ini file
search the file for header lines of format [someheader]
put header value as key of hash
continue to search for string value (e.g., "profilename=.*")
add found string value to list which is set as value for the header key 
for each header, a small number of items will be added to the list
after reading through ini file and filling the hash:
open another buffer and write the contents of the hash to the buffer
write the buffer to file

Here is my function:

(defun extract-ini-settings ()
  (let (myhash mybuff myfile header strmatch results output strvalues mylist)
        (setq myfile "c:\\share\\reports_default.ini")
        (setq myhash (make-hash-table :test 'equal))
        (setq mybuff (find-file myfile))
        (set-buffer mybuff)
        (setq strvalues "")
                 nil t)
          (when (match-string 0)
                (setq header (match-string 0))
                (puthash header '() myhash)
                         "profilename=.*" nil t)
                  (when (match-string 0)
                        (setq strmatch (match-string 0))
                        (puthash header (cons strmatch (gethash header myhash)) 
        (kill-buffer mybuff)
        (message (number-to-string (hash-table-count myhash)))
        (setq output "c:\\share\\reports_headers.txt")
        (setq results (find-file output))
        (set-buffer results)
    ;; this works, i.e. writes the string to the `results' buffer
    ;; and each time I run the function, a new copy of the string
    ;; is appended to the buffer.
        (insert "Start of file\n")
        (hash-to-list (myhash mylist))
        (insert mylist)

Here is the helper function hash-to-list:

(defun hash-to-list (hashtable mylist)
  "Return a list that represent the hashtable."
    (maphash (lambda (kk vv) (setq mylist (cons (list kk vv) mylist))) 

I am evidently grossly misunderstanding the mechanism for writing to
file. The (message ...) to write the hash count to *Messages* writes
112, which is the correct count of header lines for my test file.  When
I inserted a (message ...) in the loop for capturing the headers, they
were all written as expected to the *Messages* buffer.  

I don't know if I'm a victim of scope rules, or my data capture is f'ed
up. Or what.  I sort of took this up as a challenge after reading an
article the other day comparing perl vs elisp for text processing, in
which elisp was given the nod as the superior language.  I could write
this text processor pretty easily in Python.  But it would not be nearly
as compact as what I have so far.  True, it would work.

Here is a sample of the .ini file text:

;; [customtableprofile0]
;; column0label = %%genLab_SessionViews%%
;; column0measureid = Visits
;; description = %%CT_SD_Activity_by_DMA%%
;; dimension0guid = iQTtYWnnPQ5
;; dimension0label = %%CD_On_Site_Search_Phrase%%
;; profilename = On-Site Search Phrases Performance
;; profileid = Q5DJTuwS5e6

(Not preceded by comment markers in the original.)

Any help in correcting my errors would be greatly appreciated.



Michael Powe              Naugatuck CT USA
"Mutable stateful objects is the new spaghetti code." - Rich Hickey

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