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Re: add-hook

From: daniele.g
Subject: Re: add-hook
Date: Sun, 05 Jun 2011 20:58:06 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.13 (Gnus v5.13) Emacs/23.2 (gnu/linux)

Richard Riley <> writes:

> I think I mentioned it before, but auto-complete has an excellent
> completion mechanism which you can share/use across all modes for
> consistency and you can easily set the completion sources to use the
> semantic completion candidates in addition to the more common sources
> like dabbrev.

Yes, you did. But it seems it doesn't work as it promises. It seems it
autompletes symbols only in a per session way (every time I start
editing a new file it resets all the simbols previously gathered), and,
what it's worst, its scope is limited on the open buffer, it doesn't
look for in included headers.

But maybe it's only my emacs that is misconfigured.

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